Getting great!
hey StalkerGuy,
The impression that I get is that you know how to make cutesy people. The roundness of the limbs (probably due to the shading, as Coop suggested) and the tiny beady eyes make for lovable viewing. If this were in a flash, I would luv this character. The only thing is - it's stark simple. As you said, no background - it makes it stale, almost dull.
Your style is evident. Even if you say you're copying someone else I'll still say it's you. I'd say progress from this piece of artwork, not the Madness-inspired one. Because this is beautiful and individual, and you can make it your own. It doesn't have to be the property of some total jerk face.
Very substantial and nice. I like the way he's walking, because it's not just a 2d motion. You know this man is going somewhere. He also has a 'silly' notion about him, suggested by the title: "Mr. Buisness man". Your intentional misspelling of the word "business" and the idea of putting "Mr." in front of it makes it even more ridiculous. Which makes me smile inside.
The tipped pointy nose is a beautiful touch. I like how his hand sort of reaches back in the motion, but it would be nice for him to have a bigger suitcase. Again, your shading is beautiful, and there's small touches of that even in the hair. I like the stark simpleness of it all, even though it might tend to the simplistic. Just add a little, but not too much, and it'll be even better.
I generally just have a favourable tilt towards this piece. This is the kind of art I like - very stylistic and simple. But not simple to the point of being simplistic. I love this a little bit. Thanks for letting me see.
--Impression-- = 13/20
--Style-- = 14/20
--Substance-- = 14/20
--Beauty-- = 15/20
--Tilt-- = 15/20
VERDICT: Getting great! [B+]