Hey guys
This is how I now review all NG audio. I choose a score for each of five sectors, and then aggregate them all into one final score. Then I supply a verdict for that score, and for the submission. The categories are:
I will score these all out of 10, then round the averaged score. The verdict for each score will be as follows:
10: Perfect K.O.!
9: Near Perfect!
8: Quite Excellent!
7: Getting Good!
6: Slightly Better than Average!
5: So-So!
4: Needs Improvement!
3: Quite Lacking!
2: Needs TLC!
1: Find a different career path!
0: WHUH!?
I will also post the rankings of the different submissions I review from this time and date:
12:03 p.m. 10/11/2010 NZT
<Not on here anymore, on post after this one :)>
Hope you like my new reviewing scheme!
Hey, you probably didn`t get a good Welcome here I saw you on the audio portals I thought that I should say hello, so... hello ^_^.